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image of queen ant


Pricing: If a client decides to go on a scheduled maintenance  plan the price is $275 for a normal 3-4 bdrm  house for the first treatment, then $95.00 every 4 monthly. We come and do a top up retreatment because Ants will come back. This plan works out cheaper for clients long term and gives much better control of the pests over time, keeping them out of your walls and protecting your property.

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Most of our customers have had a go at getting rid of their ant problem but can't. They can be very hard to get rid of unless you use the right products in the right ways, otherwise, you can make your problem worse.

COMBATKIWI has the knowledge, expertise, and treatments to win the war against ants. We can help you win the fight and get your house back. 

In the Wellington Region, ants are a major problem for people. There are a few main types that our customers call us about, but the two worst offenders that go to war with us in our homes are the White Footed Black House Ant and the Argentine Ant. 


Most of our customers do not want to know much about them, they just want them gone. We will come and help you win against them, and educate you on how to best keep them from coming back.


We use high-quality transfer products that are only available to qualified professionals, this ensures ants do not sense the treatment is on a surface and walk all over it, then transfer it to other members of the colony. This is the most effective way to treat and kill all the ants that could be hiding in your walls. Using an inferior product could actually repel the ants and keep them trapped in your walls, potentially doing damage. Many of our customers have a go themselves but unfortunately end up making their ant problem worse, this is because cheap products from local hardware stores almost always will not solve your problem, but can actually make it worse. 

What can you expect from your ant treatment?

It is essential to understand that getting rid of ants does not happen overnight. Why not? We know you want them gone right away, however, it takes some time for all the ants that could be hiding in your walls to get a dose of the treatment and for Queens also to receive a dose of the poison. 

ants in plug sockets
white footed black house ant

Images of White Footed Ants that have made a nest in an electrical socket. If you hear a crackling sound when you plug into a socket then it is most likely ants. 

This type of ant crawls into your house, can walk along electrical wires, and end up in your sockets, where they find a perfect nest site. Electricians find this issue all the time and it can be a fire risk.


The human goes into the kitchen to cook dinner, opens a cupboard, and
notices ants are everywhere.  The answer is simple, get the fly spray and kill them all. A day later, they do the same thing only now the ants are everywhere. 


The human fights back again, off to get some ant bait from the shop. There is a big problem with the human's strategy, not only are they not fixing the problem, little do they know that actually, they are going to make the problem worse.

There are thousands of ant species around the world, but only a few are a serious pest in NZ houses and workplaces.  For CombatKiwi Pest Control, ants are the main pest we will deal with on a regular basis.  Why? because ants are extremely resilient little creatures and can be very
hard to get rid of completely.


Each ant species is different in the way you have to fight them, otherwise, you're wasting your time.
Around the Wellington Region, It usually comes down to the big 3:

  • Argentine Ant.

  • Black House Ants.

  • White Footed House Ant.

Argentine ants are a huge problem because they can have a nest so large that underneath your house is one large ant colony with millions of them crawling around, creating a massive network of tunnels. 


Not only does this destabilise the ground your house is built on, it also means
that if you put the bait out, you will likely only kill some ants, maybe one nest if you're lucky, but all the other nests will remain. 
These super colonies can take up hectares and their spread can take up hundreds of meters per year. 
The other problem is these ants can be aggressive, they will fight and bite because they think your house is their house and they will attack with thousands of little soldiers. 


The other type of ant a Wellington household is likely to encounter is the white-footed ant.

It will just look like a black ant to most, but they cause major issues. 
The reason is that these ants will target the corner of your houses, enter into the walls, walk along your wiring, and make nests in the plug sockets.  Then at some point, you might hear your socket making a crackling sound when you put a plug into it.


Ants are capable of biting your wires, and that can cause a fire risk. When one bites a wire, it can send off pheromones because it feels like it is in danger, This attracts all the other ants in your plug socket to attack, quickly you can end up with a big pile of dead ants, which can cause a short circuit and possible fire at worst.


Often, a human sees a few of these ants looking for food in their house, little do they know, there are hundreds of thousands inside their walls, doing potential damage.


Again, this type of ant is hard to get rid of even if you are a Pest Control Expert.  It takes a specific method, using high-quality products, and a method of Integrated Pest Management that CombatKiwi Pest Control employs to get rid of them. 


If you have an ant problem, you are welcome to try and deal with the problem yourself. 
We believe you will almost certainly find the issue does not go away, and the risk is they go out of your sight and remain in your walls and plugs. 


Be aware that a lot of the cheaper products from hardware stores will not only not work, what they could do is actually repel the ants, making them hide and stay in your walls and never leave. 


At CombatKiwi Pest Control, we have a method that works. Let us help you
in the fight against ants.


ants nest

"I accidentally spilled some sugar in my kitchen, I thought I had cleaned it all up, but when I got home from work I had Ants everywhere. I tried a bug bomb, fly spray, and anything I could think of but they drove me nuts. I ended up calling Nate from CombatKiwi and he explained that they were in my walls and just kept coming. Thankfully he killed them all off. very appreciative as I find they made my house feel unclean, yes I totally recommend them. Claire "

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